Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Happy Christmas all! As Sir Gonze says, there are never too many treats! Best wishes, and much cheer & hope!


  1. Just want to add that I hope everyone has a great and hopeful year ahead, full of creativity, sales, and treats for our special furrends. (A return to normal for all of us too.) xoxoxo, Sir Gonze et moi.

    Will be having to relearn some blogger tricks when I get to open my shop again. Not sure why suddenly everything is so cryptic. Egads! But I'm sure it's doable once you figure out how to do what you want to do. :)

  2. MAERRY CHRISTMAS to you, Le Gonze and John! Seamus sends many friendly woofs and tail wags, plus a slew of tasty treats.

    As far as Blogger goes, there was an update in the summer(?) - don't remember when - so some things changed, as you found out. Easy to catch on, especially since it seems the bugs are finally worked out (for a while I was doing some extremely creative cussing). Will be glad to have you back when you reopen.

  3. I know how you feel Mary, this was my first post in about a year. But I worked through it with a simple message. Merry Christmas to you dear Mary! Chumley swishes to Mr. Gonze.

  4. Mary, John and Sir Gonze - we send you many happy holiday wishes and hope that the new year brings everyone health and happiness. Can't wait for you to get back!!

  5. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! Will be glad to have you back.
