Thursday, December 24, 2020

Have a Harry Merry Christmas

 Have a Harry Merry Christmas from Dirty Harry and his two little lambs
(the only sheep he is going to be allowed to herd!)

May your New Year be healthy, happy and filled with peace.
From all of us at the Cleveland household
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Julie, Bill, Harry and the Spirit of Blu


  1. Seamus and I send lots of sheep herding to Dirty Harry for the new year. Have a safe and Merry Christmas to you and yours, Julie

  2. Lambies! Maybe 2021 is the year of the lamb! Oh, so cute! Prince Harry Pup is sure looking regal and like a fellow who knows exactly what he wants in life: treats! :) Love the graphics you added, and great photo. Merry Christmas (again) from Sir Gonze & me! (That's so nice how you added "the Spirit of Blu.")

  3. Thank you so much Julie and wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas also!!

  4. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
