Sunday, June 21, 2020

Nothing for Sale Here

I am a first time Grandma - you would think we lived in the frozen tundra, and not Florida. Skylar Lynn was born on Tuesday, 6-16.  My son is 44, so this was a complete surprise for all of us.


  1. Congrats to all! What a sweetie! Am sure you're going to spoil Skylar. Bet you are a proud, happy Grandmother!

  2. How wonderful Julie....a sweet and pretty little girl. Here comes the flouncy dresses which I adore!! Congratulations to you and your family.

  3. Awesome!!!

    Welcome to the Grandma world! Congrats to Mike!


  4. Oh, my goodness! Congratulations! Enjoy!

  5. What a glorious day for a special delivery! Congratulations on being a first time Grandma.

  6. O my goodness! Look at the cute little wee Julie grandgirl! She is so beautiful! Love all the baby thingies. Such perfect taste for the little lady. Her hat is probably my favorite. Gonzo would really vote the blankie as the best, though, as he is a blankie lover.

    CONGRATS, JULIE & BILL! The generations continue. Hugs and lots of love from me, Sir Gonze, and John. Treats to Prince Harry Pup, who now has a princess to play with. :) xoxo

    Oh, and congrats to your son and the wife who bore this beautiful girl. :)
