Monday, June 7, 2021

Roses in the Desert - Julia's Beauties!


Julia, a good friend, doesn't live too far from our house.  She grows some of the most beautiful roses, not something I originally thought would do well here in the Desert Southwest.  But they thrive and aren't subject to many of the diseases as in more humid areas (no nasty chemicals used on them!).  Before the pandemic, Seamus and I would visit her at least once a week, usually on a Saturday afternoon for 2 hours or so.  Once the pandemic hit, we still visited, socially distanced outside, through heat and cold.  Seamus adores his Aunt Julia.  She spoils him by feeding him many of his favorite organic bison and apple jerky treats and loves on him throughout the stay.  

I'm not sure how many years I've been doing a "Julia's Roses" blog - at least 3 or 4 now.  This is the newest addition  - a few weeks late but it's done.  So, if you love roses, I'd appreciate if you take a look, and, if you are so inclined, leave a comment on the blog itself.   Social media links are below the red rose.  Here's the link to the blog:  

The Spoiled Moose and I thank you for the shares of this blog!

Beautifully Unique Handmade Jewelry
for the Discerning Woman


  1. Wow. How beautiful! I can almost detect the sweet fragrance in the air! Nice post, and lovely photos. Hugs to the magnificent Le Moosie!

    1. Thanks, Mary! Wish there was a scratch and sniff function on the monitor! Treats to Handsome Kitty!

  2. I remember your past blogs. She does grow the most glorious roses!! I will definitely share the blog. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos.

  3. these roses are just gorgeous! so jealous :) shared your post everywhere

    1. Thanks so much, Julie. I'll be sure to let Julia know. Treats to Sweet arry from a Desert Moose.
