Friday, March 6, 2020

Mother's Day Countdown 2020 Week 1

Mother's Day Countdown 2020 Week 1

The Mother's Day Countdown blog is up.  Many thanks to Julie and Harry for once again hosting this festival of amazing handmade beauties!


  1. I am running an ad campaign on this week's post on Facebook, so hopefully, we will get more eyes and click throughs on the post. The end date on the campaign is in five days, and I have targeted women 30 to 60 who love handmade gifts. We shall see :)

    1. THANKS, Julie! Hopefully there will be som analytics to see if it works?

  2. Thanks for posting, Catherine! Julie, it will be interesting to see if anyone gets more sales from it. Hope they let you know!

  3. Thanks for posting. I was too bus to participate.
