Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cloudflare issue with ArtFire

Hello Team,
Just wanted to share with you the response I got from ArtFire in regards to now allowing our links on InLinkz because ArtFire is using Cloudflare.  Doesn't make any sense to me but I will do what I can to work around it.


Our IT Department has stated that inlinkz is seen as an untrustworthy bot based on what we can find on the company. Or inlinkz could be they running their services out of a one of the big VPS providers which are blocked  Please work with inlinkz to find a solution to this issue.

ArtFire Customer Service


  1. That's weird. Funny how not any other sites (at least that I know of) seem to have a problem with InLinkz. They've been around for years.

    I just sent a support ticket to Inlinkz asking them to look into this issue:

    Hello, there. I have an artist friend who has a shop on ArtFire, who, until recently, has been able to share her items on InLinkz. Not any more, however. When one of her items is shared on InLinkz, this is the message that is received in the "caption" area:

    Access denied | used Cloudflare to restrict access

    She emailed Artfire support and this is what she got back from them:


    Our IT Department has stated that inlinkz is seen as an untrustworthy bot based on what we can find on the company. Or inlinkz could be they running their services out of a one of the big VPS providers which are blocked Please work with inlinkz to find a solution to this issue.


    ArtFire Customer Service

    Is there anything that can be done to fix this issue?

    Thank you.

    Kathy, hope InLinkz can find a solution.

  2. Well, that's no good. Did it just start? I am planning on March for mothers day, so if I have to use slinky instead, I will

  3. Have already emailed Kathy the reply I got from Maria at InLinkz. Here it is:

    Hi Catherine,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    InLinkz goes through Cloudflare as well, so the ArtFire just needs to allow our IP or to upload it.

    Could you please let your friend know that he/ she can contact me directly at to provide him/ her with all the necessary information?

    Hope this helps.

    All the best,

    Maria Kappa,
    InLinkz customer support

    After doing some Cloudflare research, I had a sneaking suspicion that the problem was with ArtFire since shops on other sites weren't affected. And I appreciate that Maria got back with me so very quickly - unlike the 2 weeks plus it took ArtFire to reply to Kathy (after she sent them a second email asking for a response). Hopefully AF will get of their duffs and get this fixed quickly.

  4. Thanks, Catherine, for your efforts in fixing the problem.

    I don't usually promote any of my AF items, but it seems from the Countdown that quite a few people do. The problem as explained by AF makes no sense. It's not like InLinkz is new - it's been around a long time.

    Hope AF decides to help its sellers and everything works out!

  5. UPDATE: I sent the response from InLinkz to AF and here is their response...which is no response and sounds like they won't even try.

    ArtFire Customer Service Team (

    Jan 30, 8:00 PM MST


    Our technical support team has again stated that this is an issue with InLinkz and there is nothing that ArtFire can do. I apologize that we cannot be of further support.

    ArtFire Customer Support

    1. Well, that's just terrible. But not surprising, considering the history of AF. ):

      Maybe if you posted the problem in the forums there, someone would have further ideas? (As for AF's wonderful tech folks, I can barely use the forums anymore - the whole layout has been completely screwed up for the past few years.)

  6. Well, that's not helpful AT ALL. Sounds like IT didn't even try to reach out to Inlinkz to come up with a solution. I agree, it sounds like they have washed their hands of it. Talk about crappy customer service!

  7. Sounds like ArtFire is having several issues with their site. You can't even make coupon codes anymore. Could it be possible that they haven't been doing any updates and they missed one for InLinkz? Or maybe they uploaded a bogus one. If AF cares at all, they will contact InLinkz to get it working.

  8. Since it seems AF is not going to bother trying to right the problem, I suggested to Kathy in an email that she supplies the links to her items in the comment section when Julie starts the Countdown. Linda from VictorianStyleTreasures will also be affected when she participates. And you, too, Connie, if you want to promote items from AF. Not the same as being able to share your items on InLinkz but they will be promoted.

    Have been working on making copies of all my deactivated jewelry, sold jewelry and some of the blogs in my AF shop. When I do that, I plan on closing it down. Hate the thought but there are just sooooooo many things you can't do there now, some for years. I still get a sale here and there, but not enough to bother with it. AF used to be such a GREAT site. Heck, all of us met each other there - and, here we are, years later, still together. (: (: (:

  9. I have linky as well, so I could do a test run and see if that will work for AF. I already have all of the Mother's Day countdowns done in inlinkz, but I can do a test run for the AF folks and see if that doesn't help. Our countdown starts on March 6, so we have some time to get this squared away. It's rather lazy of AF to not be bothered, but I have noticed that is a standard operating procedure of a lot of companies these days. Fedex is one that is particularly despicable in my book this week. :) Never fear, Kathy, Linda and Connie and whomever else is affected, we will find a work around.
