Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Welcome, Jacki of Christie Cottage!

In case you haven't noticed, we have a new Cross Partners in Promo team member:  Jacki of Christie Cottage who has a shop on both Indiemade and Etsy.  Those of you who know Jacki (many of you do) know that she is the "Queen of Promo," always lending a hand in getting the word out about handmade goodies, especially on her blog and with Twitter and Pinterest.

So please join me in giving Jacki a big WELCOME!



  1. Yay! Welcome from me and my sweet wee cat too! :) Happy it was so easy to jump on board.

  2. Hi Jacki! I remember you! - I'm still on ArtFire and Etsy, too - The Singing Beader
